Orwell + Huxley = China, the Guilty Temptation of the “Free World”
The two complementary avatars of the 20thcentury totalitarianism found their final literary expression in two novels: George Orwell’s ‘1984’, and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New
...The two complementary avatars of the 20thcentury totalitarianism found their final literary expression in two novels: George Orwell’s ‘1984’, and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New
...Average Joe sometimes feels the urge to ask why do national economies, as reflected in the GDP, need to grow every year?
Romania is frozen in obedience and fear
I don’t know whether now, when some recommend a rewriting of economy books, it makes any sense to discuss rational expectations
The debate would oppose two notions: hunger and conscience. What do we choose?
The ECB should suggest how dangerous the bitcoin leverage is
Financing long-term loans with short-term deposits is called maturity mismatch
We can indeed pretend slyly in the shadow that the Germans make strong cars in vain, as long as we have the “accessories”.
Comment devrait-on interpréter le fait que les Russes et les Chinois sont très interventionnistes...
George Lucas: “All those Star Wars films… I loved them, I created them, I’m very intimately involved in them, and I sold them to the white slavers.”
Creativity has been ousted by its memory displayed with a lot of corporate marketing
L’UE est, en général, un paradis protectionniste des oligopoles créés par des règlementations d’état
N-a fost o Revoluție, ci o Loviluție, “o lovitură militară de stat reușită parțial”, după cum s-a exprimat Virgil Magureanu
Piața de capital în Cuba!
Could that be why, along with the nationalized properties, we’re also not recieving back Romania’s economic history?